About ViaAvione.com – Your Travel Experts

Hi! My name is Gerardo, and I am the founder of ViaAvione.com. I am from LA born and raised. Once upon a time, I was invited to move to London, UK. So I sold everything and packed my bags. “I hopped ON a plane at LAX”, landing at Heathrow. I then spent the next 15 years travelling throughout Europe, eating-drinking-&-being-merry! When in Rome! So, now I am sharing my experience with you and helping others live their dream adventures!
How did I come up with the name “Via Avione” you ask? You see, I am ESL – English as a Second Language. So, when I sleep. I dream in Spanish. One night, whilst dreaming. I asked myself, “¿Adónde quieres ir Via Avióne?”. Meaning, “Where do you want to go BY AIRPLANE?” My dream was so SHARP, that I woke up! I stumbled to my computer, and searched Go-Daddy for the domain. It was available! I entered my credit card details and said “TAKE MY MONEY!”. It worked, and ViaAvione.com was born!

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